One of the key processes in Agriculture is quality measure- ment throughout the transportation of grains along its com- plex supply chain. This procedure is suitable for failures, such as delays to final destinations, poor monitoring, and frauds. To address the grain quality measurement challenge through the transportation chain, novel technologies, such as Distributed Ledger and Blockchain, can bring more effi- ciency and resilience to the process. Particularly, Blockchain is a new type of distributed database in which transactions are securely appended using cryptography and hashed point- ers. Those transactions can be generated and ruled by spe- cial network-embedded software – known as smart contracts – that may be public to all nodes of the network or may be private to a specific set of peer nodes. This paper analy- ses the implementation of Blockchain technology targeting grain quality assurance tracking in a real scenario. Prelim- inary results support a potential demand for a Blockchain- based certification that would lead to an added valuation of around 15% for GM-free soy in the scope of a Grain Exporter Business Network in Brazil.