Gaurav Chawla is a Fellow and Vice President in the Dell EMC Server and Infrastructure Systems Group, Office of the CTO. Gaurav has 25+ years of experience in various areas in computer industry and has been with Dell since 2005. He currently focuses on technology strategy and investigations for Dell EMC Server Group in the areas of Edge Computing (IoT and 5G) and Blockchain. For Blockchain, his primary focus is in the areas of permissioned blockchains and its applicability to various industry use cases. Prior to this he focused on Enterprise Storage/SDS, Hyper-converged Infrastructure, Private/Hybrid Cloud, HPC Storage, Telco NFV and Unix Kernel Projects. He has also contributed to multiple industry consortiums, standards and open source projects including IoT OpenFog Consortium, Linux Foundation OpenDaylight SDN Project, T11 FC/FCoE, IEEE DCB (Data Center Bridging) and SNIA CDMI standard. He has B.S and M.S. in Computer Engineering, and holds 50+ granted and pending patents.