Updates in Relation to COVID-19
We plan for FAB'22 to be a primarily in-person event, with an option to attend remotely via streaming. We reserve the right to make necessary changes to the format as the health situation changes.
Fifth International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain 2022 (FAB'22)
Blockchain - the technology behind Bitcoin - is flourishing into an impressive spectrum of research projects and initiatives, corporate alliances, and startup companies. This multidisciplinary effort spans diverse disciplines ranging from Computer Science and Engineering to Communications, Social Sciences, Public Policy, Banking and Finance, Journalism, and Political Sciences to name a few. This one-day event strives to bring researchers and practitioners of blockchain together to share and exchange results. We are interested in papers and presentations on a broad range of topics including:
- Application use cases of blockchain
- Smart contracts design and security
- Oracle and oracle networks
- Blockchain for social networking
- Distributed systems for blockchain
- Blockchain consensus protocols
- Proof of * systems
- Governance and blockchain
- Partitioned and replicated data stores for blockchain
- Transaction processing
- Software engineering practices and life cycle management of blockchain
- Social and econonomic aspects of blockchain
- Game theory and its applications to blockchain
- Blockchain protocol analysis and security
- Algorithm design, complexity analysis, implementation for blockchain
- Experience papers with blockchain
- Energy consumption of blockchains
- Custody and decentralized identity solutions